Being a freelancer comes with many responsibilities: from invoicing to filling a tax report and from liability to opening a business account.

Together with our partners we’ve collected the most frequently asked questions. Via this page we provide the basic information about how to start as a freelancer. In case you are looking for more information, please get in touch with the expert within the topic.

On the check-list you’ll find the first steps of starting as a freelancer. At our tools page we offer different formats of useful files, such an invoice, receipt, hour administration sheet or administration overview.


    The register with all companies of The Netherlands.

    This is your personal information for the Belastingdienst.

    Separate personal and business transactions.

    To send invoices and register expenses, hours and travel costs.

    This is obliged to participate as a company
    in The Netherlands.

    Prevent lifelong costs in case anything goes wrong.

Chamber of Commerce

  • The Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel in Dutch) registers starting companies and provides information and advice to entrepreneurs.

  • You only need to register at the Chamber of Commerce in case:

    • You independently sell a product or provide a service.

    • You charge a price or hourly rate for these products, from which you earn money. (Not a hobby)

    • You regularly provide goods and services to people other than just your family, relatives or friends.

  • In case you are thinking about becoming a freelancer and first want to test things out one or two times, it’s possible to execute the work and get paid through a receipt (kwitantie in Dutch). Please keep in mind you are not insured for the risks that comes with the work.


  • The Belastingdienst, sometimes also called a tax authorities, is a government body that is responsible for the levy and collection of taxes, customs duties and excise duties for a state.

  • Not every free lancer is involved with the belastingdienst. Mostly starters (who participate in the KOR) have no obligations to the Belastingdienst. For all others, the Belastingdienst is an important partner in their entrepreneurship.

    Check if it’s relevant for you via:

  • We all need to pay our taxes. As an entrepreneur either the sales tax and the income tax are relevant for you. Always check in with your accountant if there are any other taxes important for your company.

  • Yes, there is help! Many accountants are there to help you with your tax return and income tax.

    Gain Momentum partnered up with Daan (De Brabantse Boekhouder) to make help accessible. With not even 30 summers young, Daan speaks our language and is there to guide you through your first steps.

  • No, it’s not obliged to have a business account. However, not every bank allows your to use your personal account for business purposes.

    Also, a separate business account helps to gain more overview in your administration.

  • Start with thinking what you need. How many transactions do you expect, do you need a credit card, are you in a rush?

    Secondly, check the options. We made an overview with different banks, but be aware there are plenty more.

    Thirdly, check if all your needs can be fulfilled at the bank and match.

  • Our only advice is: keep your personal and business expenses separated. This way your keep more overview and this will help you with your administration.

  • Every bank has his own price tag. Pay attention to any additional cost per transaction.

Open a business account

  • A good freelance administration provides insight into turnover, costs and profit. Furthermore, the administration forms the basis for the tax return and income tax voor the Belastingdienst.

    • Balance sheet

    • Costs & receipts

    • Hour registration

    • Invoices (incl. correct invoice nr.)

    • Investment overview

    • Travel expenses registration

  • We advise to keep track of your own administration as a freelancer. This way you stay aware of what’s happening within your company.

    Seeing your life in transactions gives a lot of insight in how you approach your entrepreneurship. This moment of self reflection is much needed to stay aware of your actions. You are your own boss, and need to take care of yourself.

    However, there are tools that can be used to set up a structured administration. Search our website for Gain Momentum’s Tools page.

  • There are different tools to use with varies price tags. This goes from 0,00EU - 50,00EU per month.

Set up your Administration

  • In the VAT return you state the VAT you’ve charged your customers. You deduct the VAT that your suppliers have charged you (“voorbelasting”).

    Received VAT - Paid VAT = VAT Return.

    So make sure you save your receipts and invoices of all your expenses.

    File your VAT return on time and pay on time. This way you avoid additional fee’s to pay.

  • Income tax is a tax you pay based on your profit. In the Netherlands, income tax is divided into three groups, called boxes. These boxes each have their own tax rate, and the more income you have, to higher your tax rate will be.

    Your costs (and investments) will reduce your profit, so will increase the amount of tax you’ll need to pay. A clear insight in your costs is therefore needed.

    Income - costs = profit

    Keep 35% of your bruto income separately to pay the yearly income tax.

  • Yes, there is help! Many accountants are there to help you with your tax return and income tax.

    Gain Momentum partnered up with Daan (De Brabantse Boekhouder) to make help accessible. With not even 30 summers young, Daan speaks our language and is there to guide you through your first steps.

  • There are many accountants with varies price tags between 25,00EU and 300,00EU per month for their services.

    Our members can enjoy the partnership with Daan, pay no registration fees and get their first month free. Afterwards:

    Up till 10.000 revenue:
    15,00EU per month
    + Money Monk account needed. (7,50EU)

    Up till 20.000 revenue:
    37,50EU per month
    Incl. Money Monk account set up by Daan.

  • Check the website of De Brabantse Boekhouder and search for Daan.

    Keep in mind there are also other accounts on the market.

Tax return and income tax

  • Insurance is a contract between a business (or individual) and an insurance company. The company helps providing financial protection and reduce the risks associated with certain situations or events.

    Insurance are not obliged for freelancers.

  • Insurance are not obliged for freelancers, so it’s up to you which one you need. There are many different insurance, so we summarized the most important ones for freelancers:

    • Liability Insurance for Businesses

    • Disability insurance

    • Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance

  • The costs depends on what organization you gonna buy the insurance from. The price varies from 15,00EU to 50EU,00 per month.

    Gain Momentum partnered up with Ed (HVC Horst) as our insurance advisor.

  • We’ve partnered up with insurance advisor Ed (HVC Horst) to provide the best information to our members. After discussing your preferences you don’t need to think about it anymore!
